The Asakusa Umaimono-kai Umaimono-kai Information
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Asakusa Map
Switch between the area map and the enlarged section map. View all of Asakusa on the area map and then zoom in for a closer look at the zone you're interested in.
Parking lots and lavatories are also indicated so visitors coming by car and people walking around Asakusa will find it useful. Click on any of the participating shops and restaurants to jump to their own web site.

Exploring Delicious Asakusa
Information on participating restaurants. In addition to just photos and short introductions, this page provides useful information on recommended menu items, prices, etc. Links to the Asakusa Map make it easy to find the way to a restaurant.
Or, use it as a guide to dining out in Asakusa. The menu icon is the box photo that spins around in front of each restaurant. Come and check out the places on the map!

Asakusa Event Calender
In Asakusa, a golden dragon and the Seven Gods of Good Fortune are signs of spring and appear in the Kinryu-no-mai (Golden Dragon Dance) and the Fukujyu-no-mai(Dance of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune). The golden dragon that is used in the dance is 15m long and weighs 150kg. The dance, performed by a group of dashing, spirited men, is beautiful and heroic. Legend has it that if you come to Asakusa for the Dance of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, you will be blessed with good fortune from spring.
Many people visit Asakusa in summer to enjoy the cool evening breeze at the Hozuki-ichi (Chinese Lantern Plant Fair) and the fireworks that light up the night sky in the famous Sumida River Fireworks Display. Offering one's prayers on the day of the Hozuki-ichi is said to bring the same benefits as praying every day for 46,000 days. The Asakusa Samba Carnival is an exciting and dynamic summer finale that makes the area feel just like Rio.
The numerous fairs and festivals are a good reason to visit Asakusa in autumn, and being jostled by the crowds is part of the fun. Don't miss four great events this year:
Edo mikoshi, Tokyo Jidai-matsuri, Shirasagi-no-mai, and Tori-no-ichi. Mark them on your calendar!
Ringing out the old year and ringing in the new. The solemn winter events also have something exciting and thrilling about them. With the Toshi-no-ichi (market for new year's day), Joya-no-kane (New Year's Eve bells), Hatsumode (first New Year's visit to shrine and temples), and Setsubun the time when season changes(ancient new year's day), Asakusa in winter is filled with the blessings of the gods of good fortune.

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